I cannot believe that it has been 6 months since we had Roxy. Gosh time flies! But... that also means that there is only 6 more months until her 1st birthday... AHHHH, gotta start planning :)
So we got up in the morning and I start singing her the "Happy 6 Months Birthday Song" which she gets a kick out of people singing anyways but we were dancing around her room and all so it was fun.

Then after we changed her morning diaper it was time for breakfast & of course I sang to her then also... but please keep in mind that my voice is not one that most people find soothing. Only her since we have that whole "I grew you in my stomache" bond.

Then I had to leave for work :(
but only for a half day because we had to go to the doctor!!! yay?
As I had already known, she was PERFECT! The doctor said she is doing things really early for her age (uhhh yeah I know, I shouldn't have to be following behind her picking up things she pulls down after she crawls to them, yet... should I?) Anyways she's a wild child and tried to jump off the doctors table, threw a toy at the doctor (not on purpose I think), and wasted about half the paper roll on the bed. Yup, shes crazy. She also thinks that she is to old to sit in my lap anymore. HELLO, YOU ARE 6 MONTHS OLD! YOU JUST LEARNED TO SIT BY YOURSELF!
But, if you think that should stop her--- you don't know my child. Everyone seems to think that she reminds them of me when I was little... stubborned. HAHAHA negative ghost rider, I was an angel... she must have gotten all of those qualities from the Kelley side :)

She was in the 98% for her weight and the 93% for her height -- Weighing in at 18 lbs 11 oz and standing 29 1/2 in tall--- She is PERFECT<3